
2021年10月26日—另外,手機台灣大哥大4G網路能正常看Youtube直播,應該不是YT的問題。...livechat會lag還有就是甚麼解析度都會lag.mad:B22022-01-3014:01.,2020年12月4日—WheneverIwatchalivestreamonyoutube,nomatterthequality,afterafewsecondsitstartstolagthestreammoretothepointitfully ...,Streamlatencyisthedelaybetweenyourcameracapturinganeventandtheeventbeingdisplayedtoviewers.Whensettingupyourlivestream...


2021年10月26日 — 另外,手機台灣大哥大4G網路能正常看Youtube直播,應該不是YT的問題。 ... live chat 會lag還有就是甚麼解析度都會lag. mad: B2 2022-01-30 14:01.

Major lag with live chat

2020年12月4日 — Whenever I watch a livestream on youtube, no matter the quality, after a few seconds it starts to lag the stream more to the point it fully ...

Live streaming latency

Stream latency is the delay between your camera capturing an event and the event being displayed to viewers. When setting up your live stream, ...

Chat lag on YouTube during live stream (how to fix on OBS?)

2023年10月28日 — It's most likely from your viewers. Set up a private stream. You can see it for yourself. Take some people that you know, get them on a ...


2020年6月16日 — 教你怎麼隱藏超吃資源的Youtube Super Chat. “[教學]教你怎麼看Youtube直播不卡卡” is published by Chiaki.C.

My iPad is running slow on my YouTube live chats. How ...

2022年1月4日 — The disappearance of the 'Live Chat Replay' button on YouTube could be due to several reasons. It's possible that there has been a change in the ...

Why does YouTube live chat not update after a few ...

2020年6月2日 — What are the common causes for chat lag in livestreams? What should I do if the streamer's support team is not responding? Continue the ...

Youtube live chat does populate without 30 sec delay on ...

2022年9月28日 — The first 2 streams are live streams and the chat takes 30 seconds to load. If I force a page to reload on these 2 streams it makes no ...